Day Twelve - a dull day broken by moments of mishap
Today's weather: overcast then drizzle
Another tedious day through farmland. I decided I would spend most of the day in my carrier as I was bored. Daddy said only boring dogs get bored. I'm not allowed to repeat what I said to back to him.
The 'highlight' of my morning was Daddy picking out burrs from my fur like they were nits - how dare he, what if someone saw and got the wrong idea?

Just to be clear, I've never had nits, unlike Daddy when he was a pup.
I then had a carry in my harness to save my paws from the rough ground which felt a bit like flying - a small amount of adventure!

But this little thrill was nothing compared to what happened next... Daddy fell off a little bridge Into a stream.

Luckily only Daddy's pride was hurt.
Things didn't improve when we got lost in a wood. We ended up at a National Trust property and a kind lady put us back on track.

Here's me with an old ruin. The building in the background is Mount Grace Priory.
In an effort to jolly us up a bit Daddy did some pop dancing (that's what he and Mummy call dancing to modern music!) - luckily no one was around to witness this.

Things are surely going to be looking up tomorrow as we're off to the Cleveland hills!
Wag and licks
Basil xx
Today's tune: I can't stand up for falling down - Elvis Costello