Day Eight - halfway there
Today's weather: thunder, lightning, hail and rain! Then sunny spells.
It's Day Eight and we're officially half way through our adventure!
When I suggested Daddy wear a hat yesterday, this isn't what I had in mind!

As soon as we set off today thunder started to rumble behind us and was soon joined by lightning , hail and rain. Daddy tucked me into my carrier with a blanket and I snuggled down and slept through the storm.

We tramped across boggy moor over the Pennines to reach the half way point of our walk. To make sure I wasn't feeling scared, Daddy stopped to give me a cuddle and a kiss.

I dreamed that I had to pull Daddy out of a bog with my lead

When we got off the moor the rain stopped and I had a long walk into Yorkshire and our bed for the night.

My lovely landlady Jacqui has promised me a sausage for my breakfast so I'm going to dream about that tonight!
Wags and licks
Basil xx
Today's tune: Halfway there - Big Time Rush